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  • Dana

How to Summon Dantalion

Updated: May 18, 2021

Dantalion is a powerful spirit, not to be troubled or toiled with lightly. Their gifts can be vast & powerful, but the payments can be also extreme. I recommend great caution & following this ritual as closely as possible if you wish your outcome to resemble my own positive interactions with this powerful entity.

Items you will need:

A mirror, the larger the better, however many mirrors in the same room and mirrors that reflect each other can become powerful energy conduits. A marker, lipstick or other writing utensil that will draw on the glass. A candle that will burn for at least an hour, although any candle can make due Dantalion is drawn most to the color purple. Several seeds from the Black Mercy plant. A list of the item/goals you wish to acquire/achieve. A pin or knife. A cup of still water.

Summoning Rules & Suggestions

Spirit summoning should be done on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th day after a new moon. These are the days that you will find spirits are most powerful. Dantalion works strongest on the Lord’s day, the strongest lights create the deepest shadows. Although if you are new to spirit summoning I would avoid performing rituals on this day since it will be harder to control a stronger willed entity. Although midnight is frequently thought to be the best time for summoning Spirits, each spirit has a preferred time of day, Dantalion is most likely to answer your calls between dawn & midday according to the Lesser Seal of Solomon, and that is the time I recommend attempting to contact them. Dantalion can perform many favors for humans, however they specialize in matters of love, romance, and physical affection. Dantalion is fond of affecting human minds, and changing opinions or beliefs. Be careful though for some have reported that they can frequently become infatuated themselves with the minds of the mortals whom they have been asked to affect. Dantalion, though not a purely evil entity can be selfish in their attachments.

Steps to a Summoning

On your chosen day, on your chosen hour, light your candle to be placed before your mirror/mirrors. Place beside the candle your cup of water, seeds, and knife to represent the four elements. Fire, water, earth & air.On your mirror, inscribe the seal of Dantalion, writing their name above, and your own name below. This is the representation of your spirit which you will prostrate before Dantalion.Read/Recite your list of favors for Dantalion out loud three times, and then sit in silent meditation until you receive sign of their arrival. If an hour passes, or your candle extinguishes of its own accord then Dantalion cannot or will not answer your call on this day. They can be called again although I would reccomend waiting until the next phase of the moon. If you perceive Dantalion with any of your senses, your favors have been accepted and Dantalion will help bring forth your desires. Keep a calm & collected countenance in your Spirit’s presence, and read/recite your list for a fourth time. Repeat your Spirits name, and your own name three times each before pricking yourself with the sword and crossing your seal with your blood. Swallow the seeds & drink the cup of water. After this you may extinguish your candle and clean your alter. Dantalion has found you worthy. You must go out into the world & pursue your desires, Dantalion will give you the strength, courage & charisma to change & affect the people who can provide you the things that you desire.

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